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Corporate client successfully acquires two new businesses!

Attorney Howlette celebrates with clients after successfully closing on two separate business acquisitions.

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November 4, 2022

On November 4, 2022, our corporate client, BBE Innovation, Inc., successfully closed on two separate business acquisitions. Both transactions involved SBA loans that required lengthy due dilligence review and several regulatory compliance matters. After approximately four months of contract negotiations, compliance review, and due dilligence checks, we had the privilege of overseeing the execution of the closing documents at our DC office.

We also had the honor of working with the amazing mergers and aquisitions team at Jordon Voytek, who handled the majoirty of the transactional matters connected with both deals.

BBE Innovation, Inc. is a small minority-owned business based in Maryland. JD Howlette Law serves as general counsel to BBE Innovation, Inc.

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